Workers Compensation and Injury Management

Our partnering approach means we use our extensive operational experience to support and mentor our valued clients to prevent and mitigate ill-health and injuries in the workplace and minimise the impact to all parties.

At HSE Global we are committed to helping people, organisations, communities, and industries to make positive choices and have proactive systems in place to respond when needed.


Why is workers compensation important?

The costs of workers compensation premiums can be one of the largest expenses to an organisation especially where proactive and preventative systems are not operational to support the workforce to access early and the best medical care.

How can businesses improve?

  • Ensure that in the event of ill health or injury to their proactive and responsive systems are in place to reduce the effects of the injury and provide support to their workforce recovering from the effects of the incident

  • Ensure that medical and allied health providers, who know your business and the needs of the workforce assist with immediate access to treatment, support their recovery and assist with recommendations about return to work.

The difference.

  • Proactive, streamlined systems and processes to support the health and wellbeing of your workforce
  • Access to best medical care and supporting the wellbeing of the workforce with minimal disruption to all parties.

Our Approach

We utilise a 3 phase approach to instigating sustainable change.

Phase 1 – Define

Understand the needs of your business and workforce. Partner with our clients to create and develop responsive system to ensure early intervention and the minimisation of the impacts of ill-health and injuries in the workplace. .

Phase 2 – Engage

We work with our client to ensure that systems implemented meet the needs of the workforce, are operational are reviewed to ensure continuous improvement.

Phase 3 – Sustain

In partnering with our clients, we ensure that where complexities arise or assistance is required, we mentor and support our clients with the management of complex or traumatic cases or events, provide tailored training and support and if required can support operations in the consultancy of day-to-day requirements.

Contact Us

Take the first step in transforming your business safety culture and speak with one of our solutions exports today.