Strategy Development

Strategy Development is a structured approach to defining your organisation’s direction, setting priorities, and allocating resources effectively. This approach ensures that your business objectives align with your vision while fostering innovation and growth. Our strategy development process has empowered national and global organisations to create measurable performance improvements relating to health, safety, environment and wellbeing.

Why is strategy development important?

Without an effective strategy, an organisation will have a low chance of success in achieving its objectives. For example, if we use the analogy of an Olympic runner:

  • A high-performing athlete does not just show up at the Olympics and compete. They have a clear objective: to win a gold medal. This is their focus.
  • To achieve that goal, they have a team of supporters aligned with the same vision: coaches, nutritionists, sponsors, family, and fans. This is their alignment.
  • Just as crucially, they train and prepare both mentally and physically. This demands discipline and consistency. This is their discipline
    Similarly, an organisation’s strategy is its focus. It requires everyone to be aligned and disciplined in its execution to be successful.

How can businesses improve?

In order to build a strategy for high performance, organisations must:

  1. Understand context. An effective strategy’s aim is to move towards a desired future state of performance.  If the current state is not known, progress can’t be monitored.
  2. Set a clear vision and strategic roadmap for the business with measurable objectives, KPIs and KRAs (Focus). The roadmap should have both longer-term strategic initiatives to reduce the organisations risk profile over time as well as tactical items to address short term needs and immediate risk.
  3. Communicate and ensure that the organisations leaders and workforce understand the why (Alignment)
  4. Implement a governance process to monitor the effectiveness and impact of the strategy. (Discipline)

The difference.

Our team of experts have come from operational roles, so they appreciate the daily challenges organisations face and that work as imagined, is not usually how work is done. We have assisted hundreds of national and international organisations in developing and executing their HSE and wellbeing strategic plans around the world, resulting in immediate improvements as well as sustained long-term improvements in safety leadership, culture and performance. We know, from experience, that there is no silver-bullet or templated approach to performance improvement. That is why our team of operational specialists spend time in your business with the frontline, truly understanding your organisations risk profile and how to reduce it. We build relationships at all levels of the organisation to ensure we address the specific needs and build capabilities to help the organisation take ownership of the strategy.

Our Approach

Understanding current state is phase 1 or a 3-phase process for transformational change.

Phase 1 – Define

Phase 1 starts by defining the current challenges an organisation is facing. We do this by undertaking an ethnographic study. This social and behavioural study ensures we critically review the business, including leadership, behaviours, sub-cultures, systems, and structure to provide candid insights that lead to a data-driven action.

Phase 2 – Engage

In addition we deploy the Safety Culture Index by GSI to obtain an additional layer of insight that we overlay with the ethnographic study.

Phase 3 – Sustain

After collating interview and discussion data, observed work practices across different shift patterns, work environments and pressures, and the SCI data, we debrief the executive teams and then work with the business to develop a sustainable strategy and implement a governance process to oversee the execution.

Contact Us

Take the first step in transforming your business safety culture and speak with one of our solutions exports today.