Critical Control Management

You can’t manage what you don’t understand. Critical Control Management (CCM) is a systematic approach to knowing which activities in your business have the biggest potential to harm your people and operations, and more importantly, provides assurance that critical controls to prevent this harm are effective. From agriculture and aviation through to transport and warehousing, our approach to operationalising CCM has helped organisations focus their time, energy and resources in a controlled way to ensure critical controls are implemented and verified as effective.

Why is CCM important?

The level of risk that an organisation faces is determined by the effectiveness of its controls. However, organisations typically manage risk through complex safety management systems or risk registers that fail to proactively provide assurance of control effectiveness.

A mature and integrated CCM approach considers that work is not linear and that integrating it throughout operations enables a simplified approach to managing critical risks. CCM goes beyond good governance and due diligence. It improves operational performance and when done well, it saves lives.

How can businesses improve?

  • Understand the context of their operations.
  • Implement a framework to identify energy types, critical risks and critical controls
  • Implement a control effectiveness three lines of defence audit and assurance program
  • Integrate CCM into operations from induction through to incident investigation and learning teams.

The difference.

Organisations that have worked with our experienced risk team to integrate CCM have consistently experienced the following: 1. Reduced and Sustained Improvements in operational performance. 2. Simplified systems and a more focused approach to risk management 3. Increased employee engagement 4. A better-informed executive team and board with confidence in their performance

Our Approach

We do more than just implement a framework; we help organisations improve internal capability to enable them to take ownership of the CCM approach to risk management.

Watch the video to learn more.

Critical Control Management

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