Governance & Due Diligence

Making informed data and risk based decisions is a critical factor in the success and sustainability of any operation or investment and demands rigorous, real-world due diligence.

For over 20 years, our consultants and subject matter experts have provided a range of governance and due diligence services to support clients in reaching their strategic, operational and compliance goals. Our global footprint and on-the-ground capabilities allow us to give you the full picture wherever you need us to look.

At HSE Global we are committed to helping people, organisations, communities, and industries to make positive choices including executives and board members from a governance and due diligence perspective.


Why is governance & due diligence important?

The roles of executives and board members with regards to WHS has changed dramatically in recent years. Since the roll out of the Model WHS Laws in Australia and NZ, obligations on officers have continued to expand including the creation of industrial manslaughter laws in most states in Australia. This has resulted in a greater need for board members, executives and senior managers to have greater strategic oversight of WHS and general risks across organisations including environmental, ESG, cyber, operational and financial risks. In addition, organisations are required to develop and maintain effective governance and compliance frameworks to assist them in meeting an array of legal and regulatory obligations that consider WHS but expand into all other business-related risks.

Whilst these requirements are mostly applicable in Australia and New Zealand, the expansion of personal liability laws associated with Health and Safety in many other nations across the word, enables our approach to be adopted globally, even in countries where these regulatory requirements do not exist yet. Ultimately, good governance adds value. It is lean, transparent and ethical, focused on tackling operational challenges in ways that complement the big picture vision.

How can businesses improve?

Organisations can improve governance in a number of ways including fostering ethical leadership, embracing transparency, and maintaining strong stakeholder engagement, organizations can establish a robust corporate governance framework. Such a framework contributes not only to the company’s success but also to the broader stability and sustainability of the business environment.

The difference.

HSE Global is different. Our purpose is to drive sustainability, and social and economic impact for the clients we serve. We use this purpose into the work we do with clients to ensure our operational and strategic experience drives outcomes by teaming together to develop innovative solutions.

Our Approach

HSE Global is the pre-eminent leader in the provision of innovative and practical governance and compliance services. We have extensive operational and strategic experience in helping organisations across a range of industries in designing, building and assessing the appropriate culture, processes, controls and tools for effective governance and compliance management.
We strongly believe organisations should focus on delivering sustainable risk performance outcomes from business processes and behaviours rather than as an adjunct to day to day business activities. We work with organisations to identify and assess key governance and compliance risks (using risk profiling methods), and integrate the management of these risks into your current processes. Our services include:

• Board and governance engagement, diagnostic and coaching • Enterprise risk strategies and planning • Compliance framework reviews • Compliance risk plan audits • Training for Boards, Committees and Responsible Managers • Design and implementation of governance and compliance structures and frameworks

Our practical and commercial approach to governance and risk management assists organisations in building sustainable and effective governance and compliance frameworks which contribute to optimising business performance.

Governance & Due Diligence

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