Environmental Management

Sustainable practices are the foundation of responsible business. Environmental Management (EM) is a systematic approach to understanding and mitigating the environmental impacts of your business activities. This approach ensures that your operations comply with environmental regulations while promoting sustainability and reducing ecological footprints.


Why is Environmental Management important?

EM is more than just the ‘E’ aspect of ESG. An organisation’s environmental impact is determined by how effectively it manages its activities. However, many businesses rely on complex environmental management systems and processes that do not provide a proactive approach to ensuring sustainability and regulatory compliance. Proactive EM not only enhances operational performance but also has the ability to improve the planet for generations to come.

How can businesses improve?

  • Understand the environmental context of their operations.
  • Implement a framework to identify significant environmental aspects and impacts.
  • Develop a comprehensive audit and assurance program to monitor compliance and performance.
  • Integrate EM into daily operations from planning through to waste management and incident response.
  • Encourage a culture of environmental stewardship and continuous improvement.

The difference.

Organisations that work with our experienced team to integrate EM into their operations, from both a preventative and reactive side, can experience the following: 1. Enhanced operational performance through sustainable practices. 2. Streamlined systems with a clear focus on environmental obligations. 3. Increased employee engagement and responsibility towards the environment. 4. Greater confidence among executives and boards in their proactive environmental management practices. 5. Professional emergency spill response and remediation

Our Approach

Our 3 phase approach means that we firstly seek to understand the challenges that an organisation may be facing when it comes to Environmental management. We then help organisations to develop a strategy to close any gaps as well as build internal capabilities to effectively manage their environmental responsibilities.


Contact Us

Take the first step in transforming your business safety culture and speak with one of our solutions exports today.