Audit & Assurance

Our partnering approach means we use our extensive operational, technical and strategic experience to adapt and meet the needs of our valued clients.

Audits are the fundamental building blocks of organisations safety strategy, systems and corporate governance. HSE Global consultants use their knowledge, skills and experience to deliver high-quality audits with independence, integrity, objectivity and professional scepticism. In doing so, they help to support sustainable, long-term risk management and performance improvement.


Why is audit & assurance important?

Independent audit and assurance is an essential component of best practice in safety and risk management. This is an important tool to ensure officers meet their due diligence duty by providing a level of insight that is independent of internal arrangements and provide answers to the following;

  • Is your organisation complying with regulatory compliance?
  • How do you know that controls, especially critical controls, are effective?
  • Is your HSE Management system operating as intended?
  • Are your teams conducting effective audits?
  • Does your company or contractors meet the standard?
  • Are your self-insurance audits driving the right outcomes both from a regulator perspective but also strategically improving your safety and risk performance?

How can businesses improve?

  • Include independent assurance to your existing audit schedule
  • Ensure critical controls are measurable and have auditable performance criteria
  • Review, in practice, the effectiveness and capability of your internal audit function
  • Move to live dashboards and digital solutions for audit and assurance
  • Ensure Board Reports consider audit results from critical risk and control reviews
  • Address gaps and opportunities to optimise Contractor Management performance

The difference.

Organisations that have worked with us better understand cause and effect and as such experience step change in their results including improved safety performance and engagement. 1. We seek to understand the challenges before we offer solutions. 2. We then work in partnership to develop a strategic plan to address any gaps and accelerate the move to the future state. 3. Using our proven experience, we provide support, assurance, and governance around the operational implementation of the strategy.

Our Approach

We utilise a 3 phase approach to instigating sustainable change.

Phase 1 – Define

There is no silver bullet approach to transformation. The DEFINE stage enables us to discover the current state and make specific recommendations to achieve sustainable change.

Phase 2 – Engage

ENGAGE is about operational execution. This starts with the formation of a Steering Committee to govern the execution. We partner with organisations for as little or as much of the execution as required.

Phase 3 – Sustain

The SUSTAIN stage ensures that the clients we partner with have the ability to self-manage and build on the success of Phase 2. We focus on increasing capability and as a result, capacity of the organisation. We then offer third Line assurance for Governance moving forward.

Audit & Assurance

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Take the first step in transforming your business safety culture and speak with one of our solutions exports today.