Safety Leadership Training

If you want to improve the capacity of individuals, start with their capability.

Businesses need to invest in their people ensuring that Leaders at all levels have a high level of competence and capability to develop, execute and sustain a high-performance health and safety culture. Leadership is the single most important driver of organisational culture, setting the cultural norms and expectations that define an organisation. Improved Leadership yields improved results. Our team at HSE Global can develop and deliver safety leadership training and ongoing coaching programs (that is tailored to build the leadership skills required to execute and sustain your company safety vision.

Safety Leadership Training

The difference.

One size does not fit all. Our Safety Leadership programs are designed to meet the specific needs of the organisation. We utilise technology such as the Safety Leadership Index to obtain insights on performance gaps as well as visit your operations to obtain real-world experiences that can be used in the leadership programs.

We have over a decade of experience, feedback and research across hundreds of organisations. We overlay that with significant operational experience and specific learning outcomes to ensure measurable improvements.
Our safety leadership and wellbeing programs are experiential and designed to be stratified across all levels of your organisation, ensuring you are building safety leaders at all levels.

Leaders learn how to operationalise the organisations safety vision and turn it into a logical, sequential, stakeholder by stakeholder plan that can be followed, implemented and embedded back in the workplace. The program includes a personal journey that helps leaders make the shift from Good to Great and drive ongoing cultural improvements.

HSE Global safety leadership programs are stratified for all levels of the business:
    • Board/Executive/Senior leaders
    • Front-line Leaders
    • All Employees and Contractors
Leaders are challenged to consider what is truly embedded in their local culture today and what needs to occur to ensure best practice is achieved in their areas of responsibility and across the business. Leaders follow a strategic execution framework, developing an individual action plan to be applied purposefully back on the job. Participants learn and apply new skills that centre on high performance WHS leadership and can include content such as:
    • How to engage people on a safety journey
    • Engaging safety interactions
    • Operationalising 5 keys to safety leadership
    • Risk Management and control effectiveness
    • Understanding Behaviours
    • Critical tools for safety leadership
    • How to create impact and engagement
    • Mental health understanding, impact, awareness and tools to help have conversation
    • And more…
Safety leadership training is run face to face but has optional customisable online refresher programs (customised to your program) to ensure ongoing retention of skills. In addition, optional customised induction programs can be integrated to ensure new starters are familiar with the safety leadership program before they participate.

Safety Leadership Coaching

The difference.

HSE Global coaches some of Australia and New Zealand’s leading Board of Directors, CEO’s, Executive Leadership teams and Safety Teams. Coaching can be done either 1:1 or within small groups with similar goals/needs.

Our HSE Global Academy offers a balance of face to face, online and self-paced learning that is customised to meet the learning outcomes and specific needs of each individual or cohort. With regular check-ins with qualified individuals, there is always a human element involved.

SEE HSE Global Academy

HSE Global can assess leaders strengths and weaknesses using the Safety Leadership Index (SLI) which provides a 360 degree perspective for the leader to base their coaching development needs upon.

Investing in one-on-one leadership coaching for Executive Leadership Teams and Senior Managers has proven to embed learning faster with more sustainable behavioural change than training events or programs.

Why coaching?
    • Ever wondered why every sports team has a coach?
    • Skills can be learned in a classroom but competency must be developed through practice and coaching in the field. There is no better way for humans to learn than to let them try something for themselves, in real time.
    • If you wish to accelerate the learning process, then support individuals and teams with coaching.
    • Coaching challenges the learner to consider alternatives, refinements and fundamental shifts that may be required.
    • Coaching also provides the immediate feedback required to reinforce positive behavioural change.
HSE Global consultants conduct both online and in-field coaching aligned to the specific needs of the individuals.  This can be anything from strategic planning, team management, risk profiling, L&D, audit and assurance, control assurance, through to visible leadership and how to deliver a highly engaging and interactive safety conversations. Using an experiential approach, HSE Global takes participants through the What, So What and What Next of safety leadership and how they achieve performance optimisation.

Contact Us

Take the first step in transforming your business safety culture and speak with one of our solutions exports today.