Complete your Wheel of Life based on the following ratings

1 = “Not satisfied” 5 = “Average” and 10 = “Very Satisfied.”

First rate how satisfied you currently are in these 6 domains under the CURRENT column

Then consider where you would like to be on all 6 domains under the FUTURE column. Consider how important each domain is to you.

Positive Emotions How satisfied are you with the amount of time and energy you are dedicating to activities that create positive emotions?
Engagement How satisfied are you with the time and energy you are dedicating to activities that take your full attention?
Relationships How satisfied are you with the time and energy you are dedicating to the most important relationships in your life?
Meaning How satisfied are you with the types of activities in your life that are fulfilling, meaningful and align with your values?
Accomplishments How satisfied are you with the amount of time and energy you are dedicating reaching your goals?
Health How satisfied are you with the time and energy you are dedicated to your health? Are you reaching your health goals?