A global presence
At HSE Global, we proudly hold copyrights and trademarks under both HSE Global and Global Safety Index®, reflecting our commitment to advancing global safety and performance standards.
Our portfolio includes trademarks for the Global Safety Index (GSI), Mental Health Index (MHI), Community Mental Health Index (cMHI), Global Risk Index (GRI), Global Health Index (GHI), Global Environmental Index (GEI) and Hazard Recognition Plus®.
These protected tools, brands and methodologies empower organisations to achieve measurable improvements in safety, health, risk, and environmental outcomes. If you have any questions about our brands or their applications, please get in touch.
Global Safety Index®
Mental Health Index (MHI)
Global Risk Index
Global Health Index
Community Mental Health Index (cMHI)
Hazard Recognition Plus

- Trademarks: 1516856, 1581909, 1677413, 1617237 – Global Safety Index®, since 2013/14Global Safety Index® is an award-winning platform that helps organisations measure, manage and benchmark Safety Leadership, Safety Culture and Performance Benchmarking.

- Trademarks: 1808971,2180535 (MHI), 2180547 (cMHI), since 2021 Global Health Index consistents of the Mental Health Index (MHI®) and the Community Mental Health Index (cMHI®). (MHI Trademark The GHI allows organisations and communities to assess their mental health literacy and positivity, understand risks and take steps to optimise their people using the MHI and the cMHI.

- Trademark: 1808972 Global Risk Index consistents of the Pyschosocial Risk Index (PRI) and our propietry Risk Profiling Tool designed to help oragnisations identify and manage their risk profile and risk appetite.

- Trademark: 1808970, since 2016 The Global Environmental Index is designed to help organisations identify any material Environmental Factors that may contribute towards an organisations risk profile. The results are captured within the Risk Profiling tool.
Why measure psychosocial risk?

- Psychosocial hazards are the things at work that create a risk to mental health. Utilising the research of the Copenhagen Psychosocial Questionnaire (COPSOQ), The Psychosocial Risk Index (PRI) utilises the GSI platform to help organisations identify specific risks associated with the main dimensions of the most influential psychosocial theories at work, including the Job-Strain, Demand-Control-Support and Effort-Reward-Imbalance models, but also other theories and aspects ignored in previous tools, for instance emotional demands or role clarity.
- This makes the PRI more than just about insights, it provides the ability to assess the need for action and help decision making processes on preventive measures at the workplace.
- Learn more about the SLI or download brochure today.
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